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Shelby McDaniel Certified Mind Body Eating Coach, BS Nutrition Science

Am I Hungry? Licensee


Shelby McDaniel Certified Mind Body Eating Coach, BS Nutrition Science
Shelby K Fitness LLC


Email Address:

Click here to send Shelby McDaniel an email.

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100% Online Since 2010
Kittanning, Pennsylvania
United States

About Shelby:

For over 15 years, Shelby McDaniel has been helping people worldwide with all common and uncommon food, body, and weight struggles, expanding her reach from professional bodybuilders and athletes to general weight loss and clients struggling with disordered eating.

Today Shelby and her credentialed team at primarily focus on helping frustrated, high achieving individuals overhaul their binge eating, emotional eating, restrictive dieting, or food obsessions for a FUN and NEW healthy relationship with food, NEW metabolism, NEW mindset, and most importantly, an EXCITING empowering life that doesn't include stressing about food.

Her anti-dieting, innovative online programs use a combination of practical coaching techniques, results-oriented psychology, clinical nutrition, body-centered practices, mind body science, and a positive and compassionate approach to get to the root issues of one's food and body challenges and eliminate the endless yo-yo dieting and weight cycling for good.

Program Activity

This Am I Hungry?® Licensee does not have a Program scheduled. For more information regarding future programs, please contact them with via the contact information above.

Thank you.

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1828603 visitors since 05.31.06