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Jenifer Starr MEd, MCHES

Am I Hungry? Licensee


Jenifer Starr MEd, MCHES

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Kansas City, Missouri
United States

About Jenifer:

I'm Jeni Starr and I’ve been a health educator for over 15 years. I’ve worked in public health and as a teacher, but now I've turned my focus to working with women on improving their confidence, health, and wellness regardless of their size.

I have a Bachelor of Arts in biological sciences from Mount Holyoke College and a Master of Education in health education from the University of Texas at Austin as well as certification as a Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES).

I'm also a plus size woman who's had to learn how to love myself and feel confident when my body doesn’t fit the cultural ideal. It's my goal to help women learn to love and respect their bodies, become as healthy as they can be, and live a plus size life!

If you've ever felt like you don't fit in with the cultural ideal, you are not alone! From a young age I compared myself to everyone around me and I was either obsessed with weight loss or avoiding even looking at myself.

My senior year of high school my parents and I decided to go on a diet together. We lost weight together and then we promptly gained it back. And that was the beginning of the “eat-repent-repeat” cycle for me.

In college and graduate school I also became interested in the idea of healthy body image and healthy eating versus eating disorders. I read everything I could get my hands on to help me understand my feelings. I was starting to learn the benefits of accepting my body, but I wasn’t ready to abandon the dream of being an “ideal weight”.

My first career was in public health. As you can imagine, there’s a big emphasis on nutrition, exercise, and weight in this field. I always felt that my weight was impeding my career and potential for advancement – even though I was competent at my job.

This was when the diet cycle intensity increased. I tried several different diets and lost the same 40 pounds a few times. But nothing ever stuck for me. Even though I knew intellectually this wasn’t going to work, I couldn’t reconcile what I knew with what I felt.

A few years ago I discovered the concept of “mindful eating” and while I believed all the research I read supporting this way of living, I had a hard time letting go of my diet mentality. It made sense on an intellectual level, but I didn’t know how to do it.

The Am I Hungry? Program has allowed me to learn the “how to” piece that makes all the difference. I have been able to heal my relationship with food and learn to enjoy activity again. I will never go on another diet – and I don’t need to!

I am thrilled to be offering Am I Hungry? workshops so that I can share with others what I have learned. I love that this program doesn’t focus on weight but instead focuses on wellness. Please join me as you get off of the diet roller coaster and start living a healthy, vibrant, and plus size life!

Program Activity

Past Programs that have already taken place.

Program Name and Dates


Mindful Eating: Start Your New Year with a New Approach

From 01/03/2017 to 01/03/2017


Start 2018 with a new approach that allows you to have peace with food and more joy in your life. This workshop will introduce you to the Mindful Eating Cycle and provide an overview of the Am I Hungry? 8 week program. Register at:

Mindful Eating: Start Your New Year with a New Approach

From 01/04/2017 to 01/04/2017

Kansas City, MO

Start 2018 with a new approach that allows you to have peace with food and more joy in your life. This workshop will introduce you to the Mindful Eating Cycle and provide an overview of the Am I Hungry? 8 week program. Contact for more information.

Introductory Workshop

From 01/28/2017 to 01/28/2017

Raytown, Missouri

Introduction to Am I Hungry? Eight Week Workshop

Individual Mindful Eating Program

From 02/08/2017 to 06/01/2019

Kansas City or via Skype, telephone, Facetime, etc.

Contact me for a complimentary phone consultation or face to face meeting in the Kansas City area. We can work through the Am I Hungry? 8 week program on an individual basis or work on specific issues as needed.

Summer 2018 Kansas City Program

From 06/14/2018 to 08/02/2018

Kansas City, MO metro area

An 8 week Am I Hungry? introductory course for new participants in the Kansas City metro area. We will meet Thursdays from 6:00-7:30 pm.

Fall 2020 MEP KCMO

From 08/19/2020 to 10/04/2020


An 8 week Am I Hungry? Program for private organization.

Am I Hungry? Fall 2017 Program Kansas City Area

From 09/27/2017 to 11/15/2017

Kansas City, MO

An 8 week intro course for new participants in the Kansas City area. Learn to be in charge of your eating instead of feeling out of control, eat the foods you love without overeating or guilt and nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Wednesdays from Noon-1:30.

Am I Hungry? Fall 2017 Online Program

From 10/03/2017 to 11/21/2017


An 8 week intro course for new participants using the Zoom online platform. Learn to be in charge of your eating instead of feeling out of control, eat the foods you love without overeating or guilt and nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Tuesdays from 7-8:30 CST (a recording will be available for participants for one week following the live session)

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