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Dr. Cristina Castagnini Ph.D., CEDS, PPS

Am I Hungry? Licensee


Dr. Cristina Castagnini Ph.D., CEDS, PPS
Freedom to Wellness Counseling


Email Address:

Click here to send Cristina Castagnini an email.

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Mailing Address:

2010 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 100
San Ramon, California
United States 04583

About Cristina:

As a licensed Psychologist and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist, I have spend over 20 years helping people overcome their struggles with food and body image. As someone who is now years into my own recovery from an eating disorder, I understand the pain and difficulties that having an eating disorder can have in your life. It affects all parts of your life, including your health, relationships and overall well-being.
I have seen so many people go through the Am I Hungry Programs over the years since I became a facilitator. I know first-hand that recovery is possible. And, I know that you can achieve that as well. I look forward to working with you.

Program Activity

This Am I Hungry?® Licensee does not have a Program scheduled. For more information regarding future programs, please contact them with via the contact information above.

Thank you.

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1828608 visitors since 05.31.06