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Lexie's Journal

Lexie struggles with her weight but is learning how to trust her body again with Am I Hungry?

Making peace with food
Posted on 07/25/2007 @ 7:52 PM

During our workshop we talked about carbohydrates. When people talk nutrition, whether in the workshop or outside of the workshops I still find myself feeling angry, resentful, and restricted. I realized that it's because my mind starts judging the food rather than accepting that "all foods fit" like they say in Am I Hungry? More importantly I still judge myself for eating certain foods. I've done a lot of research on nutrition in my years of trying to lose weight and it was so frustrating. It seems like every other week a new food is judged "good" or "bad." I have trouble "making peace" with food except in spurts. Ironically, whenever I do, I make healthier choices for myself. Not always in the foods that I choose but in choosing to eat for hunger and to consider my options. I find that there are a lot of foods I can do without when I don't judge the food or myself for wanting it. Letting go of guilt is one of my hardest things (and always has been) and I find I'm not alone. Yet I've already learned that when I do let go of the guilt and don't judge (the food or myself as good or bad) it works. By "works" I mean foods have less power over me and I'm able to take it or leave it. One of the hardest parts about this is when I choose "bad" foods with other people around; judging is so much a part of society that even as I fight my own judgements they are ringing in my ears from others. I know I can choose not to judge anyway, but it's harder when people make comments about "bad" choices. When I try to explain the philosophy behind not judging and "Am I Hungry?" they don't seem to understand. I'm sure it scares them just as it used to scare me. What really matters (I keep reminding myself) is how my body responds to certain foods, how I feel when I do or don't choose them, and recognizing where those feelings are coming from. Visit to read about the Am I Hungry? philosophy on nutrition.

Michelle May M.D.

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Lexie's Journal

Lexie's Follow-up

A good day



Going for the gray zone

How do you measure success?

Regret leaves the door open for learning

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Focus, focus, focus

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Knowing and doing are two different things

One step at a time

I won't feed a cold or a fever

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What am I afraid of?

It's easy when I'm at peace

Mindful eating

Let THEM eat cake

I hate how this feels

I am here

Changing old messages about weight management

I'm starting to see patterns

Chocolate is losing its power

Beating the buffet

Night time eating

Learning to listen

New year, new day

Am I Hungry? Member Portal

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