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Alyx's Journal

Alyx struggles with her weight and is relearning to eat instinctively with Am I Hungry?

Riding the waves of instinctive eating
Posted on 07/07/2010 @ 6:56 PM

Went on a Beach Road Trip with the girls from kindergarten. I can’t believe I’ve known these gals for 50 years! We walked the beach, watched movies, slept in, walked the beach some more, teased each other about everything, played a ton of games, read magazines and cheap books, and loved every minute of being together. And, an added bonus: the weather was great. I was so busy beaching I forgot to diet! What a relief! We all ate whenever and whatever we wanted – and there was so much catching up to do most of the time we sort of forgot to eat! We shopped, watched the whales, giggled at each other, and food was the focus only twice during four glorious days: Seafood night (all fresh-caught on the Oregon coast); and pancake breakfast (Barb’s a gourmet cook).

Michelle May M.D.

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Alyx's Journal

Driven to distraction

Riding the waves of instinctive eating

What happens in Reno stays in Reno...

Justifying eating just leads to overeating

Eggnog and butter cookies - getting on the RAFT

Mindful Thanksgiving

When vacation isn't an excuse to overeat

Sea of choices

Sister Sabotage

7 hours in a restaurant

Hi! I'm Alyx...

Am I Hungry? Member Portal

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