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Charlene's Journal

Charlene is a journey of mindful health and self-care

“The problem is that my behavior with food is irrational!"
Posted on 11/15/2013 @ 12:13 AM

Last night, Dr. May posted this note on the Am I Hungry?® Mindful Eating Program Facebook page (, "At my presentation this evening, I had a great comment from someone in the audience: 'So it sounds like what you are suggesting is rational. The problem is that my behavior with food is irrational!' Yes, these concepts are simple but they are not necessarily easy!"

I find it to be a profound comment from the participant, and succinctly describes my own experiences. Just this week while practicing the self-observation methods described in the program, it was interesting to me that I consciously and repeatedly chose to overeat. Staying with the concepts, I was able to remain mostly non-judgmental of my behavior, and simply be curious.

Then, it suddenly became clear to me that I was overeating in order to soothe my anxiety around a decision my husband and I were making about a large purchase. So actually, it wasn’t so irrational after all. I was reverting to a coping technique that has comforted me many times in the past.

That’s why I am one of the biggest fans of this program. Self-care through awareness and choice is such a better way to optimal health than rules, personal coercion, and feelings of repeated failure.

Michelle May M.D.

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Charlene's Journal

My Perfect Weight

Emotional Stages of Saying Goodbye to Dieting

Entering a New and Wonderful Relationship

Perfectly Imperfect

Dieting Continued to Get Harder; Mindful Eating Continues to Become More Natural

100% Commitment, 100% Forgiveness

Stress, the Great Seducer

A Mindfully-Cooked Meal

How long does it take for mindful eating to become a habit?

I Love Taking My Power Back!

My Emotional Eating Experience

Creative Hopelessness

The Godfather Ate My Cake!

Our Relationship to Food is Not a Problem to Be Solved; It is a Process to be Lived

How Does Your “Little Voice” Speak to You?

Where Do I Want to Eat?

Sit. Feast on Your Life

What do you wish you’d known about dieting?

“The problem is that my behavior with food is irrational!"

The Gentle Politeness of Our Bodies

All Emotions Fit

Noticing the shift

Practicing Am I Hungry? Concepts in Other Areas of My Life

Coming to My Senses: My One-Year Anniversary with Am I Hungry?

A Note of Compassion to All Dieters, Including Myself

Follow Your Heart But Don’t Check Your Brain at the Door

Mindful Movement

Regret Over Guilt

Practicing Mindfulness

A Mindful Walk

Choosing Ease over Easy

Our 23rd Wedding Anniversary

Done with Dieting. Forever.

Fear of Hunger

Acceptance, compassion, and encouragement

Flying on autopilot

"Several “Hungry” Days Didn’t Stress Me Out!"

What Else Am I Bringing to the Table?

What do I want to eat?

Speed Bump with a Bonus

No Bad Foods, Really?

From Tunnel Vision to Total Vision

A Mindful Choice for Quality

From Redirection to Connection

Like Riding a Bike!

New Year's "Resolutions"

Merry Mindful Christmas

Curiosity is key

Fullness as an illusionary hug

Letting go of overeating and restrictive eating

Wait for it...

Thanksgiving for Thanksgiving

Hunger is the Best Seasoning

Old habits die hard

Happy Birthday to me!

Coming Home!

Am I Hungry? Member Portal

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