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Lexie's Journal

Lexie struggles with her weight but is learning how to trust her body again with Am I Hungry?

Lexie's Follow-up
Posted on 04/22/2011 @ 9:39 AM

I'm writing after a long absence because one of the Am I Hungry? Facilitators, Jeff Butts, has asked me to come to one of his workshops to talk to the group and share my Am I Hungry? experiences. They wanted to hear how I have successfully used these concepts. I'm very excited to be able to share my journey with them so I thought I'd share here too. I've lost 70 pounds now and 5 pants sizes. I breathe easier, I move easier, and I feel "off" when I don't exercise. Exercise is either the pool, the treadmill, dancing, and lately I've added "easy" park hikes and geocaching. I have to be careful about hikes because of my vertigo and I always have a chair handy when I dance in case I need to grab on and get my balance back. I am amazed at how much of Am I Hungry? has become second nature...habit. I don't have to work at it all the time or think about it all the time. I'm truly becoming an instinctive eater and I couldn't be happier about it. I sometimes still struggle with trying to be perfect, but I'm light-years from where I was. People at work have noticed the weight loss and my increased energy. They ask, and I share. I think for so many people it seems just "too easy" so it's hard for them to believe it's possible. If it came with a pill or rules they'd be lining up by the millions to buy it because that's what our culture has been trained to believe. Or maybe when they say it's "too easy to work," they really mean "It's too hard to change." But I am living, thriving proof that it IS possible! Thank you for Am I Hungry?! Lexie

A good day
Posted on 07/26/2008 @ 10:00 AM

I had several days in a row where I felt hungry all the time. Then today went well! I felt like I made decisions that honored my body and I felt good.
So what made today different from the past few days? What made it better? What made it easier to listen to my body?
* I reminded myself again to relax the perfectionist standards.
* I ate this morning when I was hungry - and didn't over-eat.
* This afternoon while running errands and took a bit of a walk. Though the walk was tiring it felt good and reminded me that my short exercises are really helping me build a tolerance again. I'm not where I want to be, I'm closer than I was!
* I wasn't hungry yet so on my way back to work. I picked up lunch for later. In the past, I would have eaten anyway often I would have eaten anyway or skipped it altogether and regretted it later).
* When I did get hungry, I ate part of the lunch I bought. I put the rest away when I was finished.
* Later that afternoon I wanted something sweet. I wasn't hungry and I wasn't full and the small piece of chocolate was just enough.
* For dinner I got what I was craving, ate what I needed, and put the rest away.
I just realized that part of my increased appetite these last few days was probably PMS related. Knowing that will help me deal with it more effectively. I wasn't a "pig" that had no self control and had forgotten everything I had learned. I was just hormonal! What a relief! *smile*

Posted on 07/01/2008 @ 3:50 PM

Okay so I was driving around today for work visiting all of our branches and I thought "I want french fries." I didn't really fight it; it was just that when I was around places that sold fries I didn't really want them. So I decided to get some for dinner but I ate too much and felt frustrated with myself. Later on in the evening I walked past the kitchen counter where there was a plate of brownies someone at work had given me. I had no desire to eat them. But it made me think... Okay, I overate this evening and there was a plate of brownies sitting right next to me at the time and I didn't touch them. They also gave me two chocolate suckers which I haven't eaten. And I love chocolate; it's not that I don't want it it's just...I'm able to walk away. The "old me" would have overeaten the fries AND the brownies. The "new me" overate but stopped. Twice today I let myself get too hungry and twice today I ate more than I needed. But three times today I stopped when I could have easily continued. Progress...slow but stead. Nice.

Michelle May M.D.

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Lexie's Journal

Lexie's Follow-up

A good day



Going for the gray zone

How do you measure success?

Regret leaves the door open for learning

I don't think about when I'm going to fill my car with gas all the time

Focus, focus, focus

In charge of chocolate

What I WILL do, not what I will stop doing

The pizza is calling me

Step away from perfection Lexie

Powerful reminders about eating

What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas

Do you want fries with that?

Making peace with food

Becoming instinctive

Gnawing at me

Time to eat the donuts...

SCALE= Sadistic Contraptions Aren't Leading my Emotions

The workshops rock!

Breakfast and 3 men

A lot on my plate

Think yourself thin

Small steps

I'm not alone!

Driven to distraction

It's better to try and fail than to fail to try

If I lose weight, what will I hide behind?

Battle with food

Knowing and doing are two different things

One step at a time

I won't feed a cold or a fever

No more "starting again tomorrow"

Habit vs. addiction

What am I afraid of?

It's easy when I'm at peace

Mindful eating

Let THEM eat cake

I hate how this feels

I am here

Changing old messages about weight management

I'm starting to see patterns

Chocolate is losing its power

Beating the buffet

Night time eating

Learning to listen

New year, new day

Am I Hungry? Member Portal

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