Lexie struggles with her weight but is learning how to trust her body again with Am I Hungry?
Posted on 03/14/2007 @ 11:46 PM
I went out of town for work early in the week. It kind of felt like vacation...and I ate like it was vacation.
Positive changes I noticed: I did ask, "Am I hungry" though I didn't always follow through. I also didn't eat things I normally would have eaten just because they were there....I passed on some of the foods rather than allow my fear of "I might be hungry later" to determine whether or not I would eat or eat more.
I think it helped that I bought snacks for the hotel room. I didn't eat them and didn't end up needing them but knowing they were there helped me to not over-eat as much as I might have.
Tonight I used exercise to help distract me from eating. I reminded myself of how miserable I feel when I overeat...and it helped this time. I might have over-done the exercise a little bit though....my legs feel like spaghetti. However, my stomach and mind feel better!
PMS should be ending now...which will certainly help me make healthier decisions!
I volunteered to captain the heart walk this September...that should be fun and wonderful exercise.
"It's better to try and fail than to fail to try" and....sometimes I really believe that.
Non-Diet Resources: www.AmIHungry.com